Talent Discovery Guide

The Talent Discovery Guide leads you through the highlights of your life to evaluate your most consistent patterns of natufal talent behavior. The guide is  simple online assessment that takes about 90 minutes to complete.

The Talent Discovery Guide equips you to evaluate your natural and innate talents.

Your natural talents are part of your DNA and therefore are adaptable to most every career self-employment or ministry service position. Synonyms for a talent are knack, intuition and gift. A talented person is referred to as one who is gifted or has intuitive insights. Everyone has natural talents. Your natural talents seek to grow through intuitive trial and error. The more you use them, the higher your level of proiciency and productivty will be.

The skills you use in your occupation, job or career do not impy any particular natural talent. Perhaps because no repetitive action on their jobs, most people can list their work skills but they find it difficult to ake a distinction between what they have unused and underdeveloped natural talents, most people have great potential from “hidden” talents just waiting to be discovered and developed. These are referred to as “hidden” or underdeveloped potential.

Discovery 1

Recall your past activity and experiences. Select your top 10.

20 minutes

Discovery 2

Evaluate each of your 10 enjoyed experiences to identify which talents your have used the most consistantly.

60 minutes

Discovery 3

Select your top talent strengths using the exercise score results.

10 minutes

Discovery 4

Validate your talent strength selections by answering questions which compare your lifestyle to typical talent behavior patterns.

15 minutes


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