What does IDAK Stand for?

The name IDAK stands for one’s unique identity: ID = identity, AK = the Hebrew equivalent of unique or uniqueness.

Our services focus on identifying one’s innate natural talents for career advancement and for predicting job fit for new hires.

Since its beginning in 1980, IDAK has focused on the assessment of a person’s full potential from an organizational and career planning perspective.

The specialty which IDAK has pioneered and has now become its trademark is assessing innate Natural Talents as the key predictor for best job fit. This aptitude specialty is separate from the more commonly measured personality characteristics, work skills, education or training equivalents. IDAK has become recognized nationally as one of a very select few organizations which recognize Natural Talents as critical to the question of maximum productivity and mid-career advancement.

History of IDAK Group

john d bradley

John D. Bradley
Jan. 2, 1947 – Dec. 7, 2021

The roots began in 1969 with Founder and President John Bradley’s early years as a head hunter with Dunhill Personnel in Reno, Nevada, and then Fort Worth, Texas. From that foundation of learning how to coach clients to get a job, John wanted to expand his skills to helping clients with their career planning.

By this time, John had been experimenting with different self-guided assessment instruments focusing on identifying one’s innate talents. His study, research and field experience led to the formation of IDAK Group with a team of counselors and educators.

In 1982 IDAK received a $500,000 grant to develop the IDAK Career Match assessment system which became the center of IDAK’s career assessment services and has been used by well over 30,000 individuals nationwide. John has trained over 600 counselors, educators and professionals in the Career Match system.

Today, IDAK assists both individuals to find their calling as well as organizations in screening new-hire candidates.

In 2003 John was awarded the Practitioner Certificate of Career Management from the International Board for Career Management Certification.

John’s recent book publications include: Follow Your Calling (NavPress), Discover Your Natural Talents (NavPress), and Switching Tracks (Baker Book).

John’s educational degrees include B.A. Speech/Communications at University of California-Davis, M.Div. at Western Seminary, and a Doctorate of Humane Letters at Faith Evangelical Seminary.

With sadness we lost our great friend and mentor John in 2021. His IDAK tool for assessing the motivation and passion of people was invaluable. He was a pioneer in his field and was a major asset to our community. John is missed greatly and his legacy lives on helping all of you see your 100% potential in life.

How are talents tested?